We - EPG Team the greatest gearbox & motors , couplings and gears manufacturing unit in China with 5 various branches. For far more specifics: Mobile/whatsapp/telegram/Kakao us at: 0086~13083988828 13858117778083988828
Premium Effificiency A few Stage AC Motor
Standard features:
Cast iron Frame: eighty-315L
Mounting sort: B3/B5/B35
Power: .55kw(.75HP)-200kw(270HP)
Squirrel cage rotor/Aluminium die forged
Continous duty: S1
Security quality: IP55
Insulation course: F
Voltage: 380V
Optical features:
Mounting kind: B5/B14
Special voltages 220V, 660V
PTC thermistors safety
Technological Knowledge
Motor Kind | Rated Output (50Hz) | Effectiveness | Electricity factor | Rated Current | ILR / Irated | TLR/Trated | Tmax/Trated | LWA | |
kW | HP | Full Load 100% | CosΦ | A | dB(A) | ||||
3000 r/min = 2 poles 380V 50Hz | |||||||||
YE3-80M1-two | .seventy five | one | eighty.seven | .82 | one.7 | 7. | two.3 | 2.3 | 62 |
YE3-80M2-2 | one.1 | 1.5 | eighty two.seven | .83 | two.4 | 7.three | 2.2 | 2.three | sixty two |
YE3-90S-2 | 1.5 | 2 | 84.2 | .84 | 3.2 | 7.six | two.2 | 2.3 | sixty seven |
YE3-90L-2 | two.two | three | eighty five.9 | .85 | 4.6 | seven.6 | two.two | two.three | 67 |
YE3-100L-two | three | 4 | 87.one | .87 | 6 | seven.8 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 74 |
YE3-112M-two | four | 5.5 | 88.one | .88 | 7.8 | 8.three | two.two | 2.3 | 77 |
YE3-132S1-2 | five.5 | seven.5 | 89.two | .88 | 10.six | eight.3 | two | two.3 | 79 |
YE3-132S2-2 | 7.five | ten | ninety.1 | .88 | 14.4 | 7.nine | 2 | 2.3 | 79 |
YE3-160M1-two | eleven | fifteen | 91.two | .89 | twenty.6 | 8.one | 2 | two.three | 81 |
YE3-160M-2 | 15 | 20 | 91.9 | .89 | 27.nine | 8.1 | two | two.three | eighty one |
YE3-160L-two | 18.five | twenty five | ninety two.4 | .89 | 34.2 | 8.two | 2 | two.three | eighty one |
YE3-180M-2 | 22 | 30 | 92.7 | .89 | 40.five | 8.2 | 2 | 2.3 | 83 |
YE3-200L1-two | 30 | forty | 93.three | .89 | 54.9 | seven.six | two | two.3 | 84 |
YE3-200L2-2 | 37 | fifty | ninety three.7 | .89 | sixty seven.4 | seven.six | 2 | 2.3 | eighty four |
YE3-225M-two | 45 | sixty | 94 | .9 | eighty.eight | seven.seven | 2 | two.3 | 86 |
YE3-250M-2 | fifty five | 75 | 94.three | .nine | ninety eight.5 | 7.7 | two | 2.three | 89 |
YE3-280S-2 | seventy five | one hundred | ninety four.7 | .nine | 133.7 | seven.1 | one.eight | two.three | 91 |
YE3-280M-2 | 90 | a hundred and twenty | ninety five | .9 | 159.9 | 7.one | one.eight | 2.3 | 91 |
YE3-315S-2 | one hundred ten | one hundred fifty | ninety five.2 | .nine | 195.one | 7.1 | 2 | two.two | ninety two |
YE3-315M-two | 132 | 180 | 95.4 | .nine | 233.6 | seven.1 | two | 2.two | ninety two |
YE3-315L1-two | one hundred sixty | 220 | ninety five.6 | .ninety one | 279.4 | seven.two | two | 2.two | 92 |
YE3-315L2-two | two hundred | 270 | ninety five.8 | .ninety one | 348.six | seven.two | two | 2.2 | 92 |
1500 r/min = 4 poles 380V 50Hz | |||||||||
YE3-80M2-four | .seventy five | one | 82.five | .seventy five | one.8 | 6.6 | two.3 | two.3 | fifty six |
YE3-90S-four | one.1 | 1.5 | eighty four.1 | .seventy six | 2.6 | 6.eight | 2.three | two.3 | fifty nine |
YE3-90L-four | one.5 | two | eighty five.3 | .seventy seven | three.5 | seven | two.three | 2.3 | fifty nine |
YE3-100L1-four | 2.two | three | 86.7 | .81 | four.eight | 7.six | two.3 | 2.3 | 64 |
YE3-100L2-four | 3 | 4 | 87.seven | .eighty two | 6.three | seven.six | two.three | two.three | sixty four |
YE3-112M-four | four | five.5 | 88.6 | .82 | eight.4 | seven.8 | 2.2 | two.3 | sixty five |
YE3-132S-four | five.five | seven.five | 89.six | .eighty three | 11.two | seven.nine | two | two.3 | 71 |
YE3-132M-4 | 7.5 | 10 | ninety.4 | .84 | 15 | seven.5 | 2 | 2.3 | 71 |
YE3-160M-four | 11 | fifteen | ninety one.4 | .eighty two | 22.3 | 7.seven | 2.2 | two.three | 73 |
YE3-160L-4 | 15 | twenty | ninety two.one | .86 | 28.eight | 7.8 | 2.two | 2.3 | seventy three |
YE3-180M-four | eighteen.5 | twenty five | ninety two.6 | .86 | 35.3 | 7.8 | two | 2.3 | seventy six |
YE3-180L-4 | 22 | 30 | ninety three | .86 | 41.eight | 7.eight | two | 2.3 | seventy six |
YE3-200L-four | 30 | 40 | ninety three.six | .86 | fifty six.6 | 7.three | 2 | two.three | 76 |
YE3-225S-4 | 37 | 50 | ninety three.nine | .86 | 69.six | seven.4 | 2 | 2.three | 78 |
YE3-225M-4 | forty five | sixty | ninety four.2 | .86 | 84.4 | 7.four | two | two.three | seventy eight |
YE3-250M-4 | fifty five | seventy five | ninety four.6 | .86 | 102.7 | seven.4 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 79 |
YE3-280S-4 | 75 | a hundred | 95 | .88 | 136.3 | six.9 | 2 | 2.three | 80 |
YE3-280M-4 | ninety | one hundred twenty | ninety five.2 | .88 | 163.2 | 6.nine | two | 2.3 | 80 |
YE3-315S-4 | a hundred and ten | one hundred fifty | 95.4 | .89 | 196.8 | 7 | two | 2.two | 88 |
YE3-315M-4 | 132 | 180 | 95.6 | .89 | 235.7 | 7 | two | two.two | 88 |
YE3-315L1-4 | 160 | 220 | ninety five.eight | .89 | 285.one | 7.one | 2 | 2.2 | 88 |
YE3-315L2-4 | 200 | 270 | ninety six | .nine | 351.seven | seven.1 | two | 2.2 | 88 |
a thousand r/min = 6 poles 380V 50Hz | |||||||||
YE3-90S-6 | .seventy five | one | seventy eight.nine | .71 | two | six | 2 | 2.one | 57 |
YE3-90L-6 | one.one | 1.five | 81 | .73 | two.8 | 6 | 2 | two.1 | 57 |
YE3-100L-6 | one.5 | 2 | 82.five | .73 | 3.eight | six.five | two | 2.1 | sixty one |
YE3-112M-6 | two.2 | 3 | eighty four.three | .74 | five.4 | six.six | 2 | two.1 | 65 |
YE3-132S-six | 3 | 4 | 85.six | .seventy four | seven.2 | 6.eight | 2 | 2.one | 69 |
YE3-132M1-six | four | 5.5 | 86.eight | .74 | 9.five | 6.8 | 2 | 2.one | sixty nine |
YE3-132M2-six | 5.5 | seven.5 | 88 | .seventy five | twelve.seven | seven | 2 | 2.1 | 69 |
YE3-160M-six | 7.5 | 10 | 89.1 | .seventy nine | 16.two | 7 | 2 | 2.1 | seventy three |
YE3-160L-6 | 11 | fifteen | 90.three | .eight | 23.one | seven.two | two | 2.one | 73 |
YE3-180L-6 | 15 | twenty | ninety one.2 | .eighty one | thirty.nine | 7.3 | two | two.1 | 73 |
YE3-200L1-6 | 18 | twenty five | ninety one.seven | .eighty one | 36.8 | seven.three | 2 | 2.1 | seventy three |
YE3-200L2-six | 22 | thirty | ninety two.two | .eighty one | 44.eight | seven.four | 2 | 2.one | 73 |
YE3-225M-6 | 30 | forty | ninety two.nine | .83 | 59.1 | 6.nine | two | 2.one | 74 |
YE3-250M-six | 37 | 50 | ninety three.3 | .eighty four | seventy one.7 | seven.1 | two | two.1 | 76 |
YE3-280S-six | 45 | 60 | 93.seven | .85 | 85.eight | seven.three | 2 | two | seventy eight |
YE3-280M-six | fifty five | 75 | 94.1 | .86 | 103.three | seven.3 | two | 2 | 78 |
YE3-315S-6 | seventy five | a hundred | ninety four.6 | .84 | 143.4 | six.six | two | two | eighty three |
YE3-315M-six | 90 | a hundred and twenty | 94.9 | .85 | 169.five | six.seven | 2 | two | 83 |
YE3-315L1-6 | a hundred and ten | one hundred fifty | 95.1 | .eighty five | 206.8 | 6.seven | two | two | 83 |
YE3-315L2-6 | 132 | a hundred and eighty | ninety five.four | .86 | 244.5 | 6.eight | two | 2 | 83 |
Package deal:
The use of original equipment manufacturer’s (OEM) part numbers or emblems , e.g. CASE® and John Deere® are for reference purposes only and for indicating item use and compatibility. Our business and the listed replacement components contained herein are not sponsored, accepted, or created by the OEM.